Kameron Orr
Audio-Visual Manager
Senspex FT Irwin, CA

Kameron Orr holds the position of Audio-Visual Manager at the National Training Center in Fort Irwin, California. His primary objectives include bolstering his team's capabilities and delivering high-quality content to military clientele. His duties encompass a wide spectrum of responsibilities, such as coordinating significant telecommunications and video projects, overseeing both mobile and fixed broadcasting centers, providing technical support for APS microwave systems, and maintaining the efficient operation of the AVID NEXUS server.
With an extensive background spanning over 18 years in the audio-visual field, Kameron Orr places a strong emphasis on being a dynamic leader who actively engages with his team members. His aptitude for resolving intricate challenges has earned him recognition on multiple occasions at the NTC, underscoring his technical and managerial abilities.